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Leadership Coaching

Self-awareness is quite a buzz word today in corporates. Strategic self-awareness is a foundational competency for leaders. What is self-awareness? Simply put, self-awareness is to know oneself and act with consciousness in the world. This is a continuous process as the situations around us are in constant change and we as people are changing too. In the Indian scriptures Svadhyaya is one of the core principles that means self-study for self-improvement. Our scriptures and teachings guide us towards this as one of the core principles of life. Svadhyaya is a way to gain deeper understanding of our thoughts, emotions and actions and understand our relationship with others in the world. In today’s day and age, Svadhyaya or being self-aware has become central to leading and being.

Central to all coaching programs we offer at ThreeFish, is building and developing strategic self-awareness. Our Leadership Coaching programs are set in an organization’s business context and in the context of the leader’s role. The programs leverage the science of Hogan personality assessments which provide deep insights on reputational behaviors, leadership strengths and areas of development. Deep, individualized coaching conversations with seasoned, executive coaches enables leaders to reflect on the impact of their behaviors in their role/context. Leaders have opportunity to explore and reflect on their limiting beliefs and become conscious of their personality derailers. 

Using the data from assessments and their own observation/reflection of the impact of their behaviors/actions on other people in their context, leaders are encouraged to choose behaviors/actions that will support their leadership agenda and embody behaviors that will help navigate relationships around them. Key outcome through the coaching programs is building practices around behaviors they must demonstrate in order to create the desired/sought leadership impact.

Our Leadership Coaching programs have been sought by a variety of Indian and multinational organizations for different talent needs like developing high potential talent, enhancing leadership capabilities, enhancing strategic self-awareness as a starting point on a leadership journey. Coaching programs are designed differently to address the specific development needs, and program duration ranges from 3 months to 6 months. Involvement with the key stakeholders is a critical aspect in all our coaching programs. These programs have received NPS score of 98-100%.

For more information on the ThreeFish Consulting Leadership Coaching solutions, please contact

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