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Customized Selection Solutions with Behavioral Interview

Hiring for critical leadership roles is a high stakes game : if done right, organizations prosper; and if done wrong – organizations pay a heavy price.

‘Who we are is how we Lead’– a leader’s personality influences how they lead; and this impacts employee attitude and team functioning; ultimately impacting organization performance. Personality insights can help organizations clearly distinguish between leaders who will help the business and those who will harm the business.

With 30+ years of research on leadership, Hogan’s predictive power can help organizations build deeper understanding of their candidates, assess role fit and take informed decisions.
Integrating personality insights with Structured Behavioural Interviews enhances the predictive validity of the solution as it relies on past experiences and reflects practical capabilities of the candidate.  

Our Customised Selection solution leverages the combined predictive power of Hogan Assessments and Structured Behavioural Interviews. It offers deeper understanding of the candidate’s motivations, values, interpersonal style, decision-making and problem-solving abilities enabling organisations to comprehensively assess candidates for critical leadership roles. 

Our Solution employs a robust methodology to provide objective and data-rich insights for candidate assessment in critical roles. We start by understanding the role expectations, organisation’s values and identifying critical competencies for the role. With expert judgement and mapping Hogan scales, a bespoke structured interview guide is developed to qualitatively evaluate the candidate during the Interview. By integrating data from Hogan assessments and the structured behavioural interview, a customised report is created featuring candidate fitment, objective competency ratings and detailed competency analysis. The process concludes with a debriefing to the Hiring Managers or HR Leaders, to discuss the candidate’s fitment and alignment with the organization’s distinct needs and culture.

You knows what you need in you leaders, and we can help you determine whether your shortlisted candidates will demonstrate the behaviours that are critical for success in your organization. The solution is particularly valuable for senior leadership roles where the leader’s reputation and behaviours play a pivotal role in influencing organizational outcomes. 

For more information on the Customized Selection Solutions with Behavioral Interview, please contact

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