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Hogan For Leadership Team Development: Discovering the Psychological DNA of Teams

While there are many tools in the market that assess team dynamics or roles that team members play, we have found the three Hogan Inventories to be a most powerful tool for team development at leadership levels. “Who we are is how we lead” – that is the Hogan mantra. At a team level, this mantra expands to who the leadership team is collectively is how they lead the organization.

When working with leadership teams, we typically begin the team discovery process with one-on-one Hogan feedback sessions with each team member. We also use the one-on-one time to understand team dynamics – what’s going well for the team and what could be better. Equipped with a deep awareness of personal strengths and watch-outs, team members gather together in a one-day offsite to discover team strengths and watch-outs.

During the offsite, team Hogan data is presented to paint a vivid picture of what the team is likely to value (and how does that align with the organizational vision and values), everyday strengths of the team (and how that will support delivering organizational strategy and goals), and potential team derailers (and how they can get in the way of the team and organization performance).

Dialogue and generative conversations lead to the team identifying high priority goals and key actions that will support becoming a high(er)-performing team. Team members commit to pursuing these actions individually and collectively in service of the organizations they lead.

Depending on interest and need, the Coach or Consultant can then exit or continue to coach the team and individual team members over a period of 3 to 6 months. Interested? Contact

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