Ken Blanchard says this in his book The New One Minute Manager – most effective managers manage themselves and the people they work with… What resonates in this statement is that the focus on self is equally important as the focus on the team. Anyone who manages others needs to know how to influence, communicate and drive results through them. This they can do effectively when they are aware of their style and strengths as a manager.
Hogan’s Management Development report does this very precisely. Using the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), the report provides clear insights to a manager about their strengths and watch-outs as a manager, along with developmental suggestions.
Management Development report is ideal for use as part of a management development program or development journey for front-line or first-time managers. This report can be debriefed in a 2 – 4 hour workshop format to help managers build self-awareness. The insights can be linked to management development themes and competencies like managing self, managing others, managing teams to name some.
For more information on the Management Development Report, please contact