Team Performance
In Team Personality profiling, we analyze Hogan scores of all individuals on the team to look at the collective strengths, watch-outs and behaviors under stress that can impact team performance. These results are presented in a 2.5 – 3 hour facilitated discussion with the leadership teams.
One-day interactive workshop where we integrate individual and team level Hogan results to generate powerful insights for individual leadership effectiveness and driving team performance.
Organizational success depends on how well “top teams” work together. Even the best of teams sometimes get stuck. Our team coaching solution helps teams get “unstuck”. We begin with clarifying the team purpose and creating individual level self-awareness. We then facilitate and challenge team members to look at their contribution and behaviors and examine functional and psychological roles. We facilitate creation of shared norms and goals. We then support the team over a period of 6-9 months, with 1-1 and team coaching sessions, to evolve into a high performing team.